On the web seminar, Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste gives an overview of having a home office and the taxation of expenses related to it. The web seminar will focus on the taxation aspects of having a home office and provide useful recommendations on how to hedge tax risks. Epp will explain the following questions:

  • How to create a flexible working environment?
  • How to deduct VAT from expenses related to home office?
  • What are the income tax risks related to home office?
  • If and how do the special requirements of accommodating an employee under an employment contract affect taxation of home office?
  • When is bearing home office expenses a fringe benefit?
  • What does the employee have to consider when receiving monetary benefit from the employer for working in home office?

The web seminar will take place on 22 March 2018 and is hosted by training company Addenda’s online environment from 10.00 to 11.30. It is possible to participate from home, work or other place suitable.

The target group of the training are accountants, company leaders and, of course, others that are interested in the topic.

More information about the training can be found from our good cooperation partner Addenda’s web page on https://addenda.ee/veebiseminar-kodukontori-kulud-uue-maksuseaduse-valguses-22-03-2018

For all questions relating to the post, you may contact Epp by e-mail on epp@alternalaw.ee or by calling +372 680 6850.

