In the webseminar Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste is giving an overview of home office and

the taxation of the associated costs. The webseminar focuses on taxation aspects of the home office and additionally gives practical tips to reduce potential tax risks. During the webseminar you will get responses to forllowing questions:

–      Which hidden tax risks may arise for the employer, when he furnishes one room in the employees home as a home office?

–      Under whcih conditions may the costs of home office be borne from the company’s financial resources and are all expenses justified?


The webseminar takes place on 19 April 2017 in the webseminar environment of training firm Addenda at 10:00 to 11:30. It is possible to participate via internet either from your work place, home or any other place suitable for you.

The target group of the seminar are primarily accountants, managers and of course everyone else, who is interested about the topic.


More information about the seminar may be found at the homepage of our good cooperation partner training firm Addenda

In case of questions you may contact Epp via e-mail or phone 680 6850.