On 15 May 2019 attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste provides a training of correctly conducting a food service procurement.

This training aims to give instructions to contracting authorities of how to conduct food service procurements more successfully.

The training addresses main typical mistakes which would reduce the possibility of contesting the procurement and ensure that the procurement actually complies with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act. This training also explains the case law of Public Procurement Review Committee and also why it is not always a good idea to copy the documentation from other contracting authority.

More information can be found on Addenda’s home page https://addenda.ee/korrektse-toitlustushanke-labiviimine-15-05-19 or by contacting Epp by e-mail on epp@alternalaw.ee or calling +372 680 6850.


On 21 May 2019 attorney-at-law and partner Siret Siilbek talks about legal remedies in building contracts.

Siret gives an overview of how to apply different sanctions and use the rights from contract or law based on the examples of building contracts. It often happens that main contractor or subcontractor of building work has performed works which do not comply with the terms of contract or is performed with substantial delay. This training explains what and how to do in this kind of situations, considering both the view of contractors and customers.

More information can be found on Addenda’s home page https://www.addenda.ee/oiguskaitsevahendid-ehituslepingutes-21-05-19 or by contacting Siret by e-mail on siret@alternalaw.ee or calling +372 680 6850.


On 30 May 2019 attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste speaks about abnormally low tenders in public procurements at Riigihangete Treff 2019.

How and when the contracting authority should have a doubt that a tender is abnormally low? How should the contracting authority conduct the control of abnormally low tenders successfully? What should the requesters consider when turning to the Public Procurement Review Committee?

More information can be found on Addenda’s home page https://www.addenda.ee/riigihangete-treff-2019 or by contacting Epp by e-mail on epp@alternalaw.ee or calling +372 680 6850.


