On 22th of July 2014 the board of the Estonian Bar Association appointed Siret Siilbek to the Committee of Insolvency, which was formed this summer. The Commitee´s primary objectives are to counsel the members and organs of the Bar Association in problems regarding insolvency law and judicial practice, to analyse the relevant legislation and legal practice and to draft amendments.

Siret is also a Member of the Expert Committee for Insolvency of the Estonian Ministry of Justice.

In ALTERNA Siret is responsible for the fields of disputes, including insolvency proceedings and real estate law. Siret deals with representation and counseling in judicial and extra-judicial disputes, as well as counseling creditors, debtors and trustees during insolvency proceedings.

For further information please visit: The Committee of Insolvency was created by the Estonian Bar Association

If you have any questions related to this subject, please contact Siret using the following contact information: siret@alternalaw.ee or 680 6850.