On 9 April 2020, Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law and partner Siret Siilbek gives a web seminar about construction warranty.

This web seminar addresses the questions what is construction warranty and how does it incur. Among other things, Siret speaks about warranty period claims, disputes arising from warranty, expiry of claims and contracts with consumers.

The objective of this web seminar is to learn, what is construction warranty, how does it incur, also to give an overview of the substance of warranty, realisation of claims, possibilities to object claims and to know when the claims expire.

Seminar takes place on 9 April 2020 from 10:00-12:45 in Addenda online environment.

The seminar is organised by Law Firm ALTERNA’s good cooperation partner Addenda.

More information about the seminar can be found from Addenda’s home page  https://www.addenda.ee/ehitusgarantii-9-04-20 or by contacting Siret by e-mail siret@alternalaw.ee.

