Riigihangete Treff 2018 takes place next week. It is the highlight event in the field of public procurement, with a focus on the issues that have arised after the new Public Procurement Act entered into force. 

The event will gather different public procurement specialists – tenderers and contracting authorities, lawyers, attorneys-at-law etc. The main topics cover the developments after the new Public Procurement Act entered into force and introduce new court practice and practice from review proceedings.

One of the presenters at Riigihangete Treff 2018 is Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste. Epp will make a presentation and share valuable advice about the assessment of tenders, declaring the tender successful and how to file a request on review on the decision of contracting authority on declaring a tender successful.

Riigihangete Treff takes place on 31 May 2018, in Coca-Cola Plaza, Hobujaama 5, 10151 Tallinn. It can be reached by the cinema’s door on Hobujaama street.

More information about the event can be found from Addenda’s home page on https://addenda.ee/riigihangete-treff-2018 or by contacting Epp by e-mail on epp@alternalaw.ee or by calling 680 6850.


