On 7 November 2019 takes place Public Procurement Conference 2019 which is the highlight event of the public procurement field. This year the conference is focused on problems that require high professionalism from both contracting authority and contractor. The practice of Public Procurement Review Committee and court practice from Estonia and Europe are to be discussed.

The conference gathers public procurement field specialists such as contracting authorities, contractors, lawyers, attorneys etc. Amongst others, Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste is going to make a presentation about how catering service procurements are categorised as special services under Estonian Public Procurement Act. Although in special services, the contracting authority has wide discretion on which tenders to require and what these tenders shall comply to, but in practice, there have been many fundamental disputes about declaring a tender suitable. Epp speaks about problems that have arose in the practice of Public Procurement Review Committee and in court practice that could be prevented in future procurements.

The conference takes place on 7 November 2019 in Europa Hotel Hestia, Paadi 5, Tallinn.

More information can be found on Addenda’s home page here: https://www.addenda.ee/riigihangete-konverents-2019


