Law firm ALTERNA partner and attorney Annika Vait wrote in recent legal blog posts about business trip and wage payment conditions. ALTERNA partner and attorney Siret Siilbek wrote about copyrights and obligations of building owner.

Annika explained in business trip article, that an employer has a right to send an employee to business trip, but statutory limitations must be taken into account. 

At first an employee may not be sent on a business trip for longer than 30 consecutive calendar days, unless the employer and the employee have agreed in longer term. Therefore employer can send an employee to business trip unilaterally up to 30 days, but for longer period agreement between the parties is required. Considering the importance of proving, Annika suggests to conclude an agreement in writing format or in a format which can be reproduced in writing (for example by e-mail or by messages).

Additionally, law provides some other restrictions to business trip if an employee is minor, pregnant or raising a child under three years of age or a disabled child.

These Annika’s full-length legal blog articles can be found here: and


In March Siret wrote in legal blog about copyrights, focusing on relationship between architectural firm and architect.

Siret explained, that building owners (client of architectural firm) are interested about their right to decide if and when in future they can add extensions and remodel building and certainly, architect and architectural firm are mostly interested to maintain control over the created work as well. Otherwise created work can be changed unrecognizable and these changes might be unacceptable for architect. For extending client (building owner) rights, architectural firm can transfer some copyrights to the client with contract between the parties, but before that it should have collected needed copyrights from its architects.

In other legal blog article Siret wrote about building owner specific obligations which are arising from building act. 

Siret full-length legal blog articles can be found here: and

For further information related to the articles, please contact Annika by e-mail and Siret by e-mail or by phone +372 680 6850.

Enjoy the reading!