On 15. September 2016 a training will take place in webinar online environment, where there debt management charges, overdue charges and bill payment deadlines will be handled. The training will be carried out by ALTERNA´s partner and attorney-at-law Annika Vait. 

Annika will give an overview about legal regulation of debt collection regarding debt management charges and overdue charges. As well, the valid regulation of bill payment deadlines will be handled and also a brief overview will be made about cases when is it possible to submit an application of expedited order for payment procedure to the court.

Webinar will take place on 15. September 2016 in training firm Addenda webinar online environment at 14.00 am to 15.30 am. It would be possible to monitor the training via internet at work, at home or at a suitable place for you.

More information is available on web site of our good cooperation partner training firm Addenda http://addenda.ee/veebiseminar-vola-kaitlustasud-viivised-ja-arvete-tasumise-tahtajad-15-09-16

For further questions please contact Annika via e-mail annika@alternalaw.ee or via phone 680 6850.


