Law Firm ALTERNA has a pleasure to introduce two new members of our team: lawyer Helen Pajumaa and secretary Käroli Kullamaa.

Our lawyer Helen Pajumaa is specialised in family law, succession law and the matters of international child abduction. Before joining Law Firm ALTERNA, Helen worked long-term in North Tallinn City District Administration as a lawyer. Her main activity fields were family law, succession law, social welfare law and labour law. Earlier has Helen worked also in Harju County Court Registration Department and passed successfully the practice in Estonian Chancellor of Justice Office in children rights department.

Helen is also the author of the book „Parental Custody Rights in Correlation to Child Abduction,“ published by the international publisher Lambert Academic Publishing. The book is based on Helen´s analysis of the correlation of parental custody rights and child abduction. This is also one of the main legal fields Helen continues her work in the future.

Our secretary Käroli is a graduate of the law programme at the Tallinn University of Technology. She has bachelor´s degree in law. During her studies Käroli was practicing in several law firms and got therefore confirmation to her wish to commit her professional career with working in a law firm. At the law firm ALTERNA Käroli helps the team by accomplishing administrative tasks.