On 24 May 2017 the Corporate Social Responsibility Gala was held, where gold, silver and bronze level quality rankings were awarded to 56 Estonian companies. Our Law Firm was one of them.

Law Firm ALTERNA was awarded the silver level quality ranking – we are proud that we can switch the silver label from last year to the brand new silver label. We would like to stress that we value highly the recognition awarded and thank our team, family as well as our good clients and cooperation partners!

Corporate Social Responsibility Forum connects well-known and leading Estonian companies that value development in various areas:

  • Environment – awareness about the company’s effect on nature is important, because a single person can do only part what industry and the commercial sector is capable of achieving with environmental friendly activity plans
  • Social environment – companies do not exist in a vacuum, but are surrounded by communities, where the users and developers of their goods and services are located.
  • Employment environment – appreciating the employee results in the appreciation of work. The world giants like Google, owe large portion of their success to creating a working environment that sets the person as a priority.
  • Market environment – honesty and transparency in cooperation relationships with consumers, shippers and partners shows credibility in local and international market.

You can read more about the Corporate Social Responsibility at http://www.csr.ee/vastutustundlik-ettevotlus/

You can find the full list of companies recognized at the webpage of Corporate Social Responsibility Forum http://www.csr.ee/2017-aasta-vastutustundlikumad-ettevotted/


