On 24 May 2018,  Corporate Social Resposibility Certificate Index handed out quality labels for already tenth time. A total of 70 companies in Estonia were recognized with quality labels.

Law Firm ALTERNA was recognized with Silver level quality label. We highly appreciate the recognition and would hereby like to thank our hard-working team and supportive families, as well as our clients and cooperation partners!

Corporate Social Responsibility Forum gathers well-known and leading companies from Estonia, who value development in different aspects:

  • Natural environment – awareness of your company’s impact on nature is important because an individual can only do a fraction of what industries and business sector could achieve by developing an environment-friendly plan of action.
  • Social environment– companies do not exist in a vacuum but are always surrounded by communities where users and developers of their products and services can be found.
  • Work environment– valuing an employee means valuing work. Business world giants like Google, owe a big portion of their success to developing a work environment that puts the individual first.
  • Market environment– honesty and transparency in collaboration with consumers, suppliers, and partners demonstrates credibility in local as well as international markets.

See the list of companies that received recognition this year: http://indeks.csr.ee/en/laureaadid/2017-en/

Read more about corporate social responsibility here: http://indeks.csr.ee/en/

