Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Annika Vait and lawyer Kristena Paalmäe write in their recent legal blog post about the guidance of teleworkers occupational health and safety.


In today’s changing work world, employees and employers often use the opportunity to agree in teleworking. These agreements are allowed under Section 6(4) of the Employment Contracts Act.

By teleworking, the employee performs work duties outside the employer’s workspace, for example at home. Thereat it is important to be aware that even if the work is performed outside the employer’s workspace, the occupational health and safety requirements shall be met also while teleworking.

In July 2019, the Ministry of Social Affairs published a guidance of teleworkers occupational health and safety. The guidance includes recommendations for concluding teleworking agreement, explanations about occupational health and safety requirements, explanations about concluding a risk assessment of telework workplaces, health control of a teleworker etc.

Read the full blog post on Addenda’s home page:

The guidance of teleworkers occupational health and safety is available here:

Questions related to this post can be discussed with Annika or Kristena by e-mail on or or by calling +372 680 6850.