Finance and accounting conference Finantstreff takes place on 15 November 2018, and is focused on topical changes in taxes, accounting and the forthcoming annual report.

Finantstreff gathers specialists in this field, such as auditors, tax specialists, lawyers etc. Among others, Law Firm ALTERNA’s attorney-at-law Epp Lumiste is making a presentation about what should accountants know about concluding, amending and terminating employment contracts.

Epp gives an overview on how to conclude an employment contract (what information is needed, what the employee should do) and how to correctly terminate an employment contract. She provides practical examples on how the employees have turned to the Labour Dispute Committee to claim damages because of incorrect termination of employment contract.

More information about the conference can be found on Addenda’s web page or by contacting Epp by e-mail on or by calling +372 680 6850.