ALTERNA understands that it is inevitable that in the course of economic activities people sometimes run into disputes with business and contractual partners and employees, as well as with national or local authorities or other institutions. The ALTERNA attorneys who settle disputes represent their clients in dealings with judicial and extra-judicial bodies, as well as in arbitral proceedings, negotiations and in preparation of procedural documents.

We also assist our clients in submitting applications to administrative bodies, incl. applying for licenses in various economic fields, representing their interests in administrative proceedings, challenging proceedings and contesting the activities and decisions of administrative bodies in court.

When settling disputes, ALTERNA follows the principle that a thorough knowledge of procedural provisions alone does not ensure success: it requires a sensible combination of knowledge of the specific legal field under discussion, punctual enforcement of procedural provisions and cooperation with the client.

ALTERNA has been acknowledged by the world’s largest legal referral guide Legal500. The dispute resolution team that is led by ATLERNA’s attorney-at-law and partner Siret Siilbek, is described as a team that stands out for its very good communication skills.

Among other things, ALTERNA’s attorneys represent their clients in the following types of disputes:

  • Civil proceedings (proceedings of action and proceedings on petition
    in all court instances);
  • Administrative court procedures (contesting the legislation and activities of national and local authorities);
  • Issues of execution proceedings;
  • Arbitral court proceedings;
  • Administrative proceeding in dealings with administrative authorities (incl. planning proceedings);
  • Representation in dealings with the Tax and Customs Board, tax and customs law, tax proceedings;
  • Public procurements, settlement of disputes and representation before the Public Procurement Dispute Committee;
  • Settlement of disputes before extra-judicial bodies (e.g., Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Dispute Committee, Domain Disputes Committee, Labour Dispute Committee, etc.);