On 20th of November 2015 in Tallinn the top event of construction management – construction conference Ehituse Treff 2015 will take place. Its purpose is to share expertise and practical knowledge by experts and practitioners about current issues in construction field.

ALTERNA’s partner and attorney-at-law Siret Siilbek will speak about the importance of the act of delivery and receipt in contract for construction services and what are the consequences of both signed and unsigned acts. She also handles the question, how can a customer rely on the deficiencies in the work after signing the act and when can a contractor say, that a customer has already approved the work in a situation, where the act has actually not been signed.

Ehituse Treff 2015 will take place on 20th of November 2015 in Coca Cola Plaza (Hobujaama 4, Tallinn)

More information available at Addenda homepage http://www.addenda.ee/page.php?pgID=99c5e07b4d5de9d18c350cdf64c5aa3d&l=est   or by contacting Siret by siret@alternalaw.ee.

