On 26th of January in Tallinn took place Äripäev´s legal seminary about amendments in Constructions Sector laws in year 2017.

The experts shared their knowledge regarding amendments entering into force in legislation involving Construction Sector. As topics, there were handled the new Public Procurement Act, the changes in compiling the contracts, contract negotiations, court disputes and settlements entered into force, the impact of the reverse charge of the metal traders to the construction sector and changing construction contracts and additional works and modifications.

The partner and attorney-at-law of Law Firm ALTERNA, Mrs. Siret Siilbek, spoke at the seminary, what should be considered, when concluding cooperation agreements in construction field. In addition to advice regarding contract negotiations, Siret also gave an overview about compiling new contracts.

More information could be found from homepage of Äripäev http://pood.aripaev.ee/ehitussektori-2017-aasta-seadusemuudatused or by contacting Siret via e-mail siret@alternalaw.ee or via phone 680 6850.


