Led by ALTERNA’s head of litigation field, partner Siret Siilbek, Eventus Ehitus OÜ was successfully represented in the litigation over public procurement proceedings of Pärnu Beach Stadium. Finally the construction contract of Pärnu’s Beach Stadium was signed after 11 month of dispute.

Nearly a year long debate has been going on over the winning offer, made by Eventus Ehitus OÜ. The interpretation of terms and conditions in the contract notice and the boundaries of right of appeal of contestants were debated over during this litigation. The rightful action in the conduction of public procurement by the procurer and the comprehensive qualification of the best tenderer has been confirmed by the court judgment.

Romek Kosenkranius, the mayor of Pärnu, said, commenting the conclusion of contract: „ We are happy, that the nearly 11 month long public procurement dispute in various court instances is finished and finally the constructor, Eventus Ehitus OÜ can begin with the construction work in the Beach Stadium. The city of Pärnu has dreamt for years of that Stadium and is prepared to contribute, together with the State, over 6,5 million Euros for the construction of the representative Stadium.”

Stadium with its grandstand building will be completed in June next year. The existing stadium complex will be demolished.


See the details in Delfi (in Estonian): http://sport.delfi.ee/news/jalgpall/eesti/parnu-esindusstaadioni-saaga-sai-viimaks-lopu?id=71615321

Or in the news of ERR (in Estonian): http://uudised.err.ee/v/eesti/3bcc0c10-e7e5-4cb5-8e5e-331a108e9377


Additional information can be obtained from Siret by e-mail address: siret@alternalaw.ee.


Law Firm ALTERNA, www.alternalaw.ee